janeiro 2021

T., TOMAZINI, MARCOS ; S., RAMOS, DOREL ; Jr., Almeida Prado ; FERNANDO, FERNANDO . Use of Design Thinking by the Regulator in the process of applying Public Hearings in the electricity sector.. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND SCIENCE, v. 8, p. 312-322, 2021.

T., TOMAZINI, MARCOS ; S., RAMOS, DOREL ; Jr., Almeida Prado ; FERNANDO, FERNANDO . Use of Design Thinking by the Regulator in the process of applying Public Hearings in the electricity sector.. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND SCIENCE, v. 8, p. 312-322, 2021. Read More »

SILVA, ANA LUCIA RODRIGUES DA. An overview of the impact of COVID-19 on the cruise industry with considerations for Florida. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, v. 10, p. 100391, 2021.

SILVA, ANA LUCIA RODRIGUES DA. An overview of the impact of COVID-19 on the cruise industry with considerations for Florida. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, v. 10, p. 100391, 2021. Read More »

SILVA, A. L. R.; PRADO JUNIOR, F. A. A. . The Challenges in Communicating about Environmental and Economic Attributes of Electric Power Projects. MODERN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v. 7, p. 308-320, 2021.

SILVA, A. L. R.; PRADO JUNIOR, F. A. A. . The Challenges in Communicating about Environmental and Economic Attributes of Electric Power Projects. MODERN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v. 7, p. 308-320, 2021. Read More »

PRADO JR., FERNANDO A. ALMEIDA ; SILVA, ANA LUCIA RODRIGUES DA . Onde está a hidreelétrica que poderia estar aqui? Foi a tragédia dos anticomuns que a impediu?. ESPAÇO ENERGIA, v. 1, p. 14, 2021.

PRADO JR., FERNANDO A. ALMEIDA ; SILVA, ANA LUCIA RODRIGUES DA . Onde está a hidreelétrica que poderia estar aqui? Foi a tragédia dos anticomuns que a impediu?. ESPAÇO ENERGIA, v. 1, p. 14, 2021. Read More »