Refrigerator Replacement Programs in Brazil

Brazil’s Electric utilities have invested about 80 million dollars annually in low-income energy efficiency programs, about half of their compulsory investments in end-use programs under current regulation. Since 2007 the regulator has enforced the need to provide evaluation plans for the programs delivered. In this context this paper presents an assessment of refrigerator replacement programs for low-income households that have been introduced in the Brazilian urban and peri-urban slums. Several reasons contribute to make refrigerators attractive appliances for such programs: (a) high participation on the residential energy consumption, specially in the Northeast and North regions; (b) high appliance dissemination among low-income households; (c) most of low-income households has refrigerators more than 10 years old; d) the energy consumption should be higher in such households due to the precarious electrical installations and consequently inadequate energy quality and voltage provision, then reducing the performance of the appliance. Firstly the paper introduces an overview about refrigerator replacement programs in Brazil. Then the paper presents the characteristics of the low income population and about refrigerator stock in use. In the end are described a case study related.

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