Evaluation of Low Income Energy Efficiency Programs in Brazil: Methodological Challenges

Realizou seus estudos de verão no período de 1 à 6 de junho de 2009 na Cote D´Ázur, França. Esse nono encontro abordou as políticas, pesquisas e ações sobre eficiência energética.
Electric utilities in Brazil are investing about 80 million dollars annually in low-income energy efficiency programs, about half of their total compulsory investments in end-use efficiency programs under current regulation. Since 2007 the regulator has enforced the need to provide evaluation plans for the programs delivered.  This paper presents the methodology that has been developed to accommodate the characteristics of lighting and refrigerator programs that have been introduced in the Brazilian urban and peri-urban slums. A combination of household surveys, end-use measurements and metering at the transformers and grid levels were performed before and after the program implementation.  The methodology has to accommodate the dynamics, housing, electrical wiring and connections of the population as well as their ability to pay for the electricity and program participation. Results obtained in slums in Rio de Janeiro will be presented. Impacts of the programs were evaluated in energy and monetary terms to households and utilities. Feedback from the evaluations performed also permitted the improvement in the design of new programs for low-income households.

[embeddoc url=”https://sinerconsult.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ECEEE-The-European-Council-for-Energy.pdf” download=”all”]